DVSI represents that to the best of its knowledge, this PRODUCT will be shipped from the United States in accordance with the US Export Administration Regulations (EAR). The Purchaser, Distributor, or END USER hereby gives its assurance to DVSI that it will comply with all export and re-export restrictions and regulations of all United States government agencies and authorities as well as when applicable, European Union and other export agencies. Export regulations include and are not limited to restrictions, prohibiting export or re-export of this DVSI PRODUCT (a) into an US-embargoed country or (b) to anyone person or entity named on any of the screening lists of the US Departments of Commerce, State and the Treasury. For a list of parties for which the US Government maintains restrictions on exports, re-exports or transfers of items, reference the Consolidated Screening List (CSL) which may be found at: (https://www.export.gov/article?id=Consolidated-Screening-List). The Purchaser, Distributor, or END USER represents and warrants that they are not located in any such country or named on any such list.
DVSI takes no responsibility, and will not refund any monies paid, for any shipment that gets delayed, held or seized by US export authorities due to non-compliance with any export law, restriction or regulation. Any Purchaser, Distributor, or END USER of this PRODUCT who is not familiar with US export law should seek professional advice to ensure that they are in full compliance.
DVSI makes no representation that an export or re-export license is or is not required, and if a license is required, that it will or will not be issued by the U.S. Department of Commerce. The Purchaser, Distributor, or END USER is solely responsible, at their own expense, for obtaining any US or other government permits, licenses or approvals required for the importing and/or exporting the PRODUCT. For up-to-date information regarding United States import / export laws and regulations please visit https://www.export.gov/.