Applications Software Downloads AMBE-4020-HDK™ Hardware Development Kit

Thank you for purchasing Digital Voice Systems, Inc. AMBE-4020-HDK™ Hardware Development Kit.

Welcome to DVSI's AMBE-4020-HDK™ Hardware Development Kit downloads page. This page contains documentation and operation software. Documentation includes a AMBE-4020-HDK™ User's manual and an AMBE-4020™ User's Manual. The software consists of executable programs that can be used to encode or decode files. The source code for these programs is provided as an example to create customized programs. Also included on this page are sample speech and compressed speech files for testing various vocoder rates.

Download Complete AMBE-4020-HDK™ Software Package

Download Software and Documentation Package excluding Test Vectors. (Zip File ~95MB)  

Download individual directories to meet specific needs

The file contains various executables that can be used with the AMBE-4020-HDK™ Hardware Development Kit to help in testing various files and formats. All of the executables and batch file are run in a DOS command prompt window. (Zip File ~10MB)  

The file contains an up-to-date manuals for the AMBE-4020-HDK™ Hardware Development Kit and the AMBE-4020™ Vocoder Chip. Also included, is a folder with helpful third party supplier manuals. (Zip File ~17MB)  

The file contains source code files required to build the AMBE-4020-HDK™ Hardware Development Kit executables and host controller firmware. Review of this code can be beneficial in writing customized programs. (Zip File ~67MB)  

The file contains the programming settings used by DVSI to program the FTDI chip on the AMBE-4020-HDK™. Review of this code can be beneficial in writing customized programs. (Zip File ~30KB)  

Test Vectors Downloads

Download AMBE-4020-HDK™ Hardware Development Kit Test Vectors (Zip File ~425MB)  
